Saturday, June 16, 2018




कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध के ३६ वर्ष पश्चात…

वृषकेतु द्रुतगति से राजगृह की ओर चले जा रहा है। अभी कुछ क्षण पूर्व ही द्वारपाल ने सन्देश दिया कि हस्तिनापुर से महामहिम पधारे हैं। और अपने प्रिय तातश्री के आगमन के समाचार से वृषकेतु के अंतर्मन में एक भिन्न उत्तेजना जागृत होने लगती है। अपने तातश्री की अनुपस्थिति में उनके पत्रों की प्रतीक्षा वृषकेतु को नित्य ही रहती है। यद्यपि वह इंद्रप्रस्थ के राजा है, अपने तात के आधीन है। और उसे वृषकेतु अपना सौभाग्य मानता है। किन्तु आज वह अपने तात से कुछ रुष्ट सा प्रतीत होता है। उसकी गति में उसके साथ निहायत प्रश्न भी द्रुतगति से तात तक पहुंचना चाहते हैं। कुछ दिन पूर्व ही हस्तिनापुर से एक पत्र आया था जिसमें तातश्री ने जटिल शब्दों में कुछ कहने का प्रयास किया था। यों तो वृषकेतु उन शब्दों का अर्थ जान चूका था, किन्तु वह उन्हें स्वीकार करने के लिए तत्पर नहीं था।

"मैं उन्हें नहीं जाने दूंगा!" वृषकेतु स्वयं से बड़बड़ा रहा था। "वे ऐसे कैसे जा सकते हैं? क्या मेरे प्रति उनका कोई उत्तरदायित्व नहीं है?"

इतने में वह राजगृह में आ पहुंचा। राजगृह की पश्चिम दिशा की बारजा में महामहिम खड़े थे। वृषकेतु के लिए अपने तातश्री को पहचानने के लिए केवल उनके श्वेत वस्त्र ही पर्याप्त थे। गृहस्थी में होने के पश्चात भी उनका परिधान कितना सौम्य था, ज्यों गृहस्थी में भी वे संन्यास का निर्वहन कर रहे हो! महामहिम बारजा से प्रासाद के रमणीय उद्यानों का आनंद ले रहे थे। अथवा अपने भातृज के प्रश्नों का उत्तर सोच रहे थे। यह संवाद जितना कठिन वृषकेतु के लिए होनेवाला था उससे कठिनतर यह महामहिम के लिए होनेवाला है। अपने पुत्र से भी अधिक प्यारे अपने भातृज से अंतिम विदा लेने जो आये थे वे!

इंद्रप्रस्थ के मायावी उद्यान कुछ पचास वर्ष पूर्व इससे भी अधिक सुन्दर थे। दिन के तीव्र प्रकाश में भी मायासुर ने निर्माण किया हुआ यह प्रासाद शशि की शीतल कौमुदी पर बहती शीततरंगों से किसी भी मनुष्य को अपनी माया के रमणीय समुद्र में डूबाने की कला रखता था। ग्रीष्म की दाहकता में हिमशैल हिमालय के सर्वोच्च शिखर की शीतलता का अनुभव करा सकता था यह प्रसाद। किन्तु इस प्रासाद की यही माया एक दिन महायुद्ध के महायज्ञ में पायस बनेगी यह किसने सोचा था?

वृषकेतु के सारे प्रश्न अपने तातश्री के श्वेत व् शीतल रूप को देखकर ही विस्मरण के अंतहीन समुद्र में डूब गए। उन्हें देखकर जिस परमानन्द का अनुभव होता था वह तो स्वयं ईश्वरीय साक्षात्कार के समान था।

"प्रणाम, तातश्री!" वृषकेतु ने शिरसा नमन करते हुए कहा। महामहिम उसकी ओर मुड़ते इससे पहले ही वृषकेतु ने अपना परामर्श अपने तातश्री के समक्ष रख दिया।

"यह राज्य मेरे लिए अत्यंत विशाल है, तातश्री!" वृषकेतु ने अपने तातश्री महामहिम श्वेत परिधान की ओर देखते हुए कहा। "इस दायित्व का निर्वाह मैं अकेले नहीं कर सकता। इंद्रप्रस्थ अंग और मगध दोनों से बड़ा है। आप इन सबका भार मेरे कन्धों पर रखकर नहीं जा सकतें। मैंने आपकी छत्रछाया के बाहर एक क्षण नहीं व्यतीत किया है। फिर आप मुझे जीवनभर के लिए अपनी छत्रछाया से कैसे मुक्त कर सकते हैं?"

महामहिम इंद्रप्रस्थ के रमणीय उद्यानों से अपनी दृष्टि हटाकर कुछ क्षण यों ही नेत्र बंद करके खड़े रहे। जिन प्रश्नों के आने की उन्हें अपेक्षाएं थीं वे यही प्रश्न थे, किन्तु कदाचित आज वे उन प्रश्नो के संतुष्ट उत्तर देने में असमर्थ थे। महामहिम अर्जुन वृषकेतु की ओर मुड़ें और अपने भातृज को स्थिर दृष्टि से देखने लगें। वृषकेतु भी बहुत दिनों पश्चात पधारे अपने तातश्री को देखता रहा। आज तातश्री के नेत्रों में दिव्य आलोक नहीं था जिसे देखने की और जिससे प्रेरणा लेने की वृषकेतु की नित्य ही अभिलाषा होती थी। आज उनके मुखमण्डल पर एक विचित्र सा तिमिर छाया है, संभवतः व्याकुलता का। वृषकेतु ने अपने तातश्री को व्याकुल तो इससे पूर्व भी कई बार देखा था, किन्तु आज वह व्याकुलता कुछ भिन्न है। मानो कि वह उनके मन में निवास करने का निश्चय ले चुकी हो।

यद्यपि वृषकेतु अब कोई बालक नहीं था, वह एक सामर्थ्यवान योद्धा बन चूका था। किन्तु आज भी अर्जुन की दृष्टि में वह केवल एक निरीह बालक था, जिस पर उन्हें अत्याधिक स्नेह था। वह केवल अर्जुन के परिताप का चिह्न नहीं अपितु उनकी पुत्राभिलाषाओँ का प्रतिक था। अभिमन्यु और श्रुत्कार्मन के पश्चात केवल वृषकेतु ही था जिससे उन्हें अपने पुत्र का सुख मिलता था। यद्यपि वृद्धि के साथ वृषकेतु में अपने पिता का प्रतिबिम्ब अधिक स्पष्ट होता जान पड़ता था। उस आनन् का प्रतिबिम्ब जिस पर अर्जुन ने जीवनभर केवल अपने लिए घृणा देखी थीं। किन्तु यह प्रतिबिम्ब सदैव अपने आनन् पर अर्जुन के लिए अत्याधिक मान धारण करता है। और वृषकेतु के स्वभाव की वह विनम्रता स्वयं अर्जुन के दिए हुए संस्कारों की झांकी थी। 

"किन्तु यह राज्य अभी भी तुम्हारे लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है।" अर्जुन ने अपने भातृज से विनम्रतापूर्वक कहा। "यह समग्र राज्य तुम्हारे पिता का उत्तराधिकार है। और उनकी इस विरासत की, उनके वंश की वृद्धि तुम्हें करनी ही होगी।"

"मेरा उत्तराधिकार यह राज्य नहीं है, तातश्री। मेरा उत्तराधिकार है मुझे मिला हुआ यह कुटुंब - यह परिवार।"

अर्जुन बिना कोई प्रत्युत्तर दिए सुनते रहे।

"आप इतने वर्षों से मेरे लिए राज-प्रतिनिधि रहे हैं। और मुझे आगे भी आपके मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता है। मैं अपने पिता की भाँती तो नहीं हूँ। मैं तो उनकी कीर्ति भी केवल कथाओं के माध्यम से जानता हूँ। किन्तु मैंने उन्ही की भाँती यशस्वी और कीर्तिवान मनुष्य को प्रत्यक्षरूप से देखा है।" वृषकेतु एक क्षण के लिए ठहरा। "मैंने जीवनभर आपको अपना आदर्श माना है। और यदि ईश्वर से मेरी कोई प्रार्थना है तो वह बस केवल यही है कि मैं आपके चरणों की धुल मात्र बन सकूँ। और कदाचित आपकी छत्रछाया ही मेरे लिए वह वरदान है। आप केवल मेरे राज-प्रतिनिधि और तातश्री ही नहीं, अपितु मेरे संरक्षक, मेरे गुरु एवं मेरे पिता हैं। मुझे सदैव आपकी आवश्यकता रहेगी।"

अपने भातृज के इन शब्दों से यह तो स्पष्ट था कि अर्जुन ने अपने ज्येष्ठ भ्राता के प्रति और उनके पुत्र के प्रति अपने दायित्वों का निर्वाह अत्यंत निष्ठा से किया था। पितामह भीष्म ने अर्जुन के व्यक्तित्व में जिन गुणों का बीज वर्षों पूर्व बोया था, उन्ही गुणों का वही बीज अर्जुन ने वृषकेतु के व्यक्तित्व में भी बोया था। और आज वह बीज कुरुवंश के दो महान स्तम्भों में परिवर्तित हो चूका था। अर्जुन जानते थे कि अब समय आ चूका है जब कुरुवंश का अतीत उससे पृथक हो कर कुरुवंश को भविष्य की ओर प्रस्थान करने की अनुमति दें, कि सम्पूर्ण भारतवर्ष को अपने उत्तराधिकारियों को सौंपकर अब वे वन की ओर प्रस्थान करें। तदुपरांत अर्जुन के नित्यसखा वासुदेव कृष्ण भी अब वैकुण्ठ की ओर प्रस्थान कर चुके थे। अब उनके और अतिरिक्त पांडवों के लिए कुछ करना शेष नहीं था। कुरुवंश को उसका भविष्य मिल चूका था और हस्तिनापुर एवं इंद्रप्रस्थ को उनके उत्तराधिकारी। अब समय था अपने जीवन के अंत की दिशा में प्रस्थान करने का। सरिता को अपने उद्गम से निकलने के पश्चात कभी न कभी तो समुद्र में समाना ही पड़ता है, अन्यथा वह भौतिकता के मध्य में ही सूख जाएगी।

"मैंने तुम्हें केवल मेरी या तुम्हारे पिता की कीर्ति तक सिमित रहने की शिक्षा नहीं दी है, पुत्र!" अर्जुन ने वृषकेतु से स्नेहभरे शब्दों में कहा। "तुम इससे भी आगे बढ़ सकते हो। स्मरण रहे कि तुम्हारे पास वह है जो मेरे और तुम्हारे पिता के पास नहीं था। एक समृद्ध परिवार। तुम्हारे पास एक शांतिपूर्ण समृद्ध परिवार है जहां केवल प्रेम और हर्ष का साम्राज्य है। कुरुक्षेत्र के युद्ध से पूर्व हमने इस दिन की कल्पना तक नहीं की थीं। किन्तु आज यह आभाष हो रहा है कि हम धर्म और शांति का राज्य स्थापित करने में सफल हुयें। हमने अपना जीवन अव्यवस्थितता के विश्व में व्यतीत किया जिससे हमारा भविष्य अर्थात तुम, परीक्षित, आदि एक शांतिपूर्ण भारतवर्ष को नए युग की ओर अग्रसर करो। अब अपने परिवार को तुम्हारा मार्गदर्शन करने दो और तुम उनका मार्गदर्शन करो। साथ मिलकर ही भारतवर्ष श्रेष्ठता की सर्वोपरिता को प्राप्त कर सकता है।” महामहिम ने पुनः उन उद्यानों की ओर दृष्टि करते हुए कहा, “हमें अतीत बने हुए तो वर्षों व्यतीत हो चुकें। हमारा समय युद्ध के साथ ही समाप्त हो चुका था। यहाँ तो हम केवल निमित्तमात्र हैं।” और कुछ व्याकुल स्वर में उन्होंने कहा, “और अब यहाँ से भी विदा लेने का समय आ चूका है।”

महामहिम कुछ क्षण शब्दहहीन ही खड़े रहे। तत्पश्चात वे वृषकेतु की ओर बढे और बोले, “हमने निर्णय लिया हैं कि हस्तिनापुर के सिंहासन पर परीक्षित का राज्याभिषेक इसी माह में होगा; और इंद्रप्रस्थ के सिंहासन पर तुम्हारा पुनः पट्टाभिषेक भी। तत्पश्चात - तत्पश्चात हम वन की ओर प्रस्थान करेंगे।"


"पुत्र," महामहिम ने अतिस्नेहभरे शब्दों से वृषकेतु को कहा। "समय एक अनिरुद्ध प्रवाह है। अतः उसका कर्तव्य है आरम्भ से अंत तक बहना। उसी प्रकार हम, जो समय के प्रवाह में अपना जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं - हमारा भी कर्तव्य है आरम्भ से अंत तक प्रवास करना। केवल इतना स्मरण रखना, पुत्र, कि मनुष्य अपने जीवन के सुख और दुःख की परिस्थितियों का निर्माण स्वयं अपने ही कर्मों से करता है। अतः अपने कर्मों को सदैव धर्मपथ पर स्थिर रखना। क्योंकि धर्म के लिए, धर्म के द्वारा और धर्मपथ पर किये गए कर्म ही हमारे जीवन तथा समाज का सुगति दे सकते हैं।"

"मैंने क्या कभी आपके शब्दों का निरादर किया है जो आज करूँगा?" वृषकेतु के नेत्रों से अश्रुधारा को देखते हुए महामहिम का ह्रदय भी एक क्षण के लिए द्रवित हो उठा। वे जानते थे कि यदि आज वृषकेतु के पिता यहां होते तो वे भी अपने पुत्र के इस रूप को देखकर अवश्य गर्व करते।

"तुम्हारे पिता को तुम पर अवश्य ही गर्व होगा, पुत्र!" महामहिम ने कहा।

"और आपको?" वृषकेतु ने निरीह भाव से पूछा।

"मेरे लिए तुम मेरी क्षमा हो, मेरे जघन्य पाप का परिताप हो एवं मेरे पुत्रों व् पौत्रों की भाँती ही मेरा गर्व भी हो।"

युद्ध की भीषण हुंकारों की ध्वनि अब मानो यह विश्व विस्मृत कर चूका था। किन्तु आज भी वह इन शूरवीरों के अतःकरण में उतनी ही सक्रीय थी जितनी कि वह युद्ध के समय थी। और अब समय था उनके लिए भी उस ध्वनि से मुक्ति पाने का।

 ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः
- भार्गव पटेल

टिपण्णी: वृषकेतु कर्ण के दस पुत्रों में सबसे छोटा पुत्र था। कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध के समय उसकी आयु बहुत कम होने के कारण वह युद्ध का भाग नहीं था। और इसी लिए वह युद्धोपरांत कर्ण का एक मात्र जीवित पुत्र था, जबकि शेष नौ पुत्र कर्ण के पूर्व ही युद्ध में वीरगति को प्राप्त हो चुके थे। युद्ध के पश्चात जब पांडवों को कर्ण की वास्तविकता के विषय में ज्ञात हुआ, तब वे अपने ज्येष्ठ भ्राता के वध से अत्यंत व्याकुल थे। और अत्याधिक व्याकुल थे स्वयं अर्जुन जिनके हाथों से उनके ज्येष्ठ भ्राता का वध हुआ था। कर्ण की पत्नी कर्ण की चिता पर ही सती हो गयीं। तत्पश्चात अर्जुन ने वृषकेतु को अपनी पितृछाया के आधीन ले लिया। अपने दो पुत्र अभिमन्यु और श्रुत्कर्मन की मृत्यु के पश्चात वृषकेतु का संग अर्जुन के लिए भी सुखदायी था। अर्जुन ने अपने भातृज वृषकेतु और अपने पौत्र परीक्षित को एक सामान प्रेम, स्नेह एवं शिक्षा दीं; और वृषकेतु और परीक्षित के बीच भी अत्यंत स्नेह था। अश्वमेध यज्ञ के लिए अर्जुन की विजययात्रा में भी वृषकेतु उनके सहायक रहे थे। पितामह भीष्म द्वारा पांडवों को दिए गए राज्य के भाग (खांडवप्रस्थ/इंद्रप्रस्थ) पर सम्पूर्ण अधिकार ज्येष्ठ कुन्तीपुत्र का होता - अर्थात कर्ण का होता। अतः हस्तिनापुर के सिंहासन पर राज्याभिषेक के उपरान्त ही सम्राट युधिष्ठिर ने इंद्रप्रस्थ सहित कर्ण को दुर्योधन द्वारा मिले अपने राज्य अंग और कर्ण के स्वयं जीते हुए राज्य कर्णपुत्र वृषकेतु को दे दिए। किन्तु वृषकेतु उस समय आयु में छोटे थे, इसीलिए उन्हें अर्जुन की छत्रछाया में उनके प्रतिनिधित्व में राजा बनाया गया था। मौसाल पर्व में श्री कृष्ण के वैकुण्ठ-प्रस्थान के पश्चात जब पांडवों ने भी वन में जाने का निश्चय ले लिया, तब परीक्षित का हस्तिनापुर के सिंहासन पर एवं वृषकेतु का इंद्रप्रस्थ के सिंहासन पर राज्याभिषेक कर, कुरुवंश के भविष्य का उत्तरदायित्व उनके समर्थ कन्धों पर छोड़ उन्होंने वन की ओर प्रस्थान किया।  

Sunday, December 3, 2017



“Revolts,” the emperor said, addressing to his prime minister, “Revolts often emerge either to protest against the decisions of a monarch or to dethrone him altogether. The first kind of revolts that are built on the lone pillar of justice can be resolved by proper understanding. The other kind of revolts, however, are nothing but tactics played by another ruler who deludes innocent people into rebelling so that he could conquer the kingdom.”

“People of Avanti would never go against you, your majesty,” Prime Minister Radhagupta said. “Why would anyone feel discomfort on such generous decisions issued by you?”

The emperor’s dolorous eyes flickered as he gazed at the giant sculpture of lion, standing prestigiously beside the magnificent throne of Magadh.

“Serenity of mind, Radhagupta,” the emperor grumbled. “It took me four years of dreadful wars and enormous bloodshed to realize that serenity of mind cannot be attained through mortal triumphs; it comes when we renounce our weapons, our expectations, our greed and surrender before our own true self.” Few of the memories of his prime days flashed through his mind. Memories that were both delightful and agonizing at the same time. Relocking them inside the deep parts of his mind, the emperor rolled his eyes again towards his prime minister. “Innocence is pure and untouched. But it’s not completely at peace. Because it can be deluded as long as it longs for something… something mortal. And the delusion is not necessarily created by someone else; a yearning mind can delude itself against the righteousness, and hence against the decisions that are influenced by the righteousness.”

The prime minister listened to the emperor’s words carefully. Perhaps they were the words that had been cherishing this great empire. The words that emerged from a quelled heart - a deep ocean which had been touched by remorse and churned by purity.

“The only question here is their motive and what has triggered it,” the emperor continued. “If the revolts are empowered by the southern kings, which I don’t think they are, I hope we can resolve them verbally. And if the revolts are led by the wavering minds our own people, then perhaps we’ll have to strive in order to spread cognizance about the true nature of these laws. No society can prosper if it aims at making things easier. Instead, it should aim at making people stronger.”

The emperor turned around and pointed at the giant wheel carved on the wall. Radhagupta gazed at that spectacular wheel. The wheel of Dharma. The wheel that constituted this enormous empire of Magadh.

“That wheel, the wheel of Dharma, bears twenty-four spokes in total,” the emperor further spoke. “Twelve of them represent the laws of dependent origination. And the other twelve represent the laws of dependent termination. Love, Courage, Patience, Peace, Magnanimity, Goodness, Faith, Gentleness, Selflessness, Self-control, Self-sacrifice and Truthfulness are the laws of dependent origination. Whereas Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, Gracefulness, Humility, Loyalty, Sympathy, Spiritual Knowledge, Forgiveness, Honesty, Eternity and Hope are the laws of dependent termination. A virtuous man constitutes these qualities. And an empire thrives eternally if it is built on these qualities. If we are to become the source of prosperity, the abode of Dharma, then these are the qualities this empire will follow...” The emperor rolled his eyes towards Radhagupta. “At least in my reign.”

- An excerpt from my own work.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Ultimate Destiny (Departure of Siddhartha)

As the cold breezes of wind invaded through the walls of his mind, Siddhartha paced towards the direction of Ganga. The horse, despite Siddhartha’s best endeavours, was reluctant to speed. Perhaps his master’s acts had saddened him as well. The vast skyline of Kapilvastu faded behind as the magnificent gleaming starry sky revealed itself to hiseyes. The silence of midnight was starting to bewitch Siddhartha’s mind with its exquisite melody. However abandonment has its own impacts. Soon the bewitching beauty of night created an illusion to lure Siddhartha back to his former self. Glittering particles formed into lovely faces of Yashodhara and Rahul as they gazed into Siddhartha’s eyes. They seemed full of questions to which he had no answers yet. But the path he had chosen tonight was a pursuit to seek the answers to his questions. And perhaps when this pursuit should come to a conclusion, he might be able to answer those questions as well. However the sadness in their eyes were devastating.

“Grief is certainly not their destiny,” Siddhartha spoke to himself. “But then what is destiny? And what is grief? Parting is inevitable. Then why grieve for what is to come for sure?”

As his mind conquered the mist of grief; those faces, the illusion vanished in the gleam of night. However the conquest on grief is not the ultimate conquest. What about love and compassion? The glittering particles, triggered by the clouds obscuring his mind, formed into a face of King Shuddhodana, his father. His face seemed quite pale, probably longing for his love for his son. His eyes asked Siddhartha about the future of his kingdom, about the legacy he was destined to carry, about his duty of a son. Siddhartha was aware that he was loved immensely by his father and that his departure would crucify him. He was the heir to the throne. An only hope for the people. Why should a son forsake his duty to his father, and an heir-apparent to his kingdom?

“I forsook my duties,” Siddhartha muttered, “in order to seek the greater kingdom. This mortal kingdom would have certainly brought me prosperity and glory. But my mind would not be satisfied with that. It aspires the ultimate kingdom of knowledge. Perhaps one day, I shall fulfil my duty by sharing the fruits of my pursuit.”

The illusion vanished once again, as Siddhartha’s mind triumphed over his nobility. He recognized the path he was proceeding to be the way to Vaishali. The fierce flow of Ganga accompanying the melody of cold starry night was probably the greatest unison Siddhartha had listened to. Soon the night was deep and closer to sunrise and Siddhartha stopped near the bank of Ganga where the water was quiet and slow. He caressed his fingers through the hair of his horse and gazed up at the murky sky bloomed with the twinkle of infinite stars. The most beautiful glimpse of the universe reflected in his eyes as if it resided within them. Siddhartha dismounted his horse while his white shiny cloak fluttered in the wind. He stood near the horse while its glimmering eyes pleaded him against his will of abandonment. Gautama brushed his fingers compassionately upon its flawless face.

“It has been my fortune that you have accompanied me in my long journey, my friend,” he said softly. “And I owe you a great amount of regards for that matter. However your destiny resides in Kapilvastu. The remaining fate of my journey must be accomplished only by me. I have renounced everything I had, including you. Therefore you must return to the city for you belong there. Do not follow me on the path I have chosen. Do you understand?”

The horse did not respond. However its eyes reflected his inconvenience. Siddhartha embraced his companion warmly for one last time. But his friend was not ready to abandon him. Siddhartha turned around to proceed on foot. However the horse followed him quietly, determined not to let him go. Upon seeing its reflecting floating upon the surface of water, Gautama stopped and turned towards his friend. He went closer and said, “Do not make this difficult for both of us. You are no longer bound by your duty to accompany me. However, should you still desire to follow me, take this as my last command! And I believe you shall obey it heartfully. Return to the city and serve to thy king and acquire glory for that thou deserve.”

The horse quietly nodded, still devastated in the grief of parting. Gautama turned around and proceeded on his path. The horse gazed at his reflection floating upon the surface of water. It was illuminated by a divine wheel. A spirit of ultimate enlightenment illuminating upon the mild waves of water. Perhaps, a glimpse of his destiny… A glimpse of his ultimate conquest.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Naraka Chaturdashi

Kali Chaudash or more commonly known as ‘Naraka Chaturdashi’ celebrates the victory of good over evil. The very legend of this occasion resides in the greatest poem ‘The Mahabharata’. Narakasura, the Asura king, who was blessed for a long reign upon his mother’s noble deeds, had invaded the heaven and stolen Aditi’s divine earrings from Indra’s abode. He had also captured 16000 virgin maidens andstarted ruling his city. Being Asura, he was infamous for his cruelty and inhumane acts. However, gods were compelled by the boon of his long reign. After many years, one day Bhoomadevi visits Dwarka and meets Queen Satyabhama. She tells her about the atrocities committed by Narakasura. Enraged by hearing about the dreadful chaos spread by Narakasura, Satyabhama seeks help of her husband Krishna who agrees to vanquish Narakasura. On this very day of Chaturdashi, Krishna along with his consort Satyabhama rides upon his divine mount Garuda to the city of Naraksura and slays thousands of demons along with the great demon named Mura with various celestial weapons and arrows. The furious battle between Krishna and demons terrifies even the gods by its fierceness. However Krishna succeeds in slaying them all in pieces. Eventually he confronted Narakasura in the battle. Narakasura was actually one among the few most capable warriors on earth and he possessed the most terrific celestial weapons. Yet even after using weapons like Agneyastra, Brahmastra, Vaishnavastra, Narayanastra, he could not defeat Krishna as Krishna also possessed powers to neutralize those weapons. At last disappointed by his endeavours, Narakasura invoked the holy trident to kill Krishna, but Krishna struck him with his divine wheel (Sudarshana Chakra) and slew him in half. After vanquishing his enemy, Krishna freed all those 16000 maidens. However those maidens asked that due to their uncertain shadowy past spent here in captivity, no one would want to marry them and therefore they requested the lord to accept them as his brides. Krishna gracefully accepted them and married them individually all at once with acquaintance of Yoga Maya. It is said that Krishna travelled back to Dwarka after the triumph and celebrated the festival of Deepawali (which is linked to Ram’s return to Ayodhya). Therefore, Naraka Chaturdashi is celebrated as the victory over darkness. Now according to Kalika Purana, Adishakti divides herself into ten eternal forms of energies and assists Narayana in all his incarnations. In Krishna Avatara, Adishakti assisted Krishna in the form of Kali as his power. Hence it is said that Kali also accompanied Krishna and Satyabhama into this battle. And that gave birth to the ritual of Kali Puja upon this auspicious occasion of victory.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Just a man

Just a man

Dreams… For some it is the most delightful word. But for others, it is the most painful word. The delightful side of that word can certainly lead you towards a happy life. However the other side of it... well, it may throw you into eternal despair from which you might not be able to rise ever again.

Being a published writer had always been Roy’s dream since he was in the tenth grade. He had dreamt of his stories travelling across the world. He had dreamt of his stories inspiring various aspiring people across the world. But the time had changed, and so had he. Those bright dreams were now locked in the dark room and the light was ambushed by the horrible darkness. Sometimes he could feel those dreams screaming for help, a single chance to shine again. Perhaps this time, they would shine in limits. However Roy highly doubted if he could let them out of their cage even for once.

That dream of being a published writer had brought him in the world of literature which apparently was different than he had imagined. Here the word literature meant to earn the money regardless the content. Fortunately Roy had learnt that in a short period since he'd arrived. He had assumed that being a content writer would someday provide him a platform to live up to his dreams and to shine again. But one thing he didn’t know was that this world had no space for light. Your shine would always be overshadowed by the various elements of life as well as the world.

Even after five years of being a content writer, he hadn’t written more than five chapters of his dream. He had barely written fifty pages. And even they were lost in the darkness of despair. At that day Roy realized that he wouldn’t be able to survive if his life continued to be such complicated. He had to make it simpler. And Roy knew that there was only one way he could do that. He simply had to make a choice. A choice that could either give him his happiness or it could make him just a man.

He could see two different ways leading towards two different destinations. He could see the barriers on both the paths. But he could discriminate their impact on his life. And then there was a moment to choose the path of his career. One of them would lead him towards a happy career and the other towards a comfortable one. While his heart was leaning towards the happy one, his mind was protesting with logical explanations that Roy knew were legitimate. As his heart leaned towards the happy career, his mind reminded him of the responsibilities he had been carrying along. It reminded him of his old parents, his wife and his children. It reminded him of the smiles on their faces and their comforts which were expected from him. And even if he succeeded to live up to his dreams, there was a fair chance that his works would never make it to the world. Apparently the happy path would compel him to sacrifice their delight in order to achieve his dreams. What kind of a selfish man would do that?

And when his mind leaned towards the comfortable path, his heart reminded him how delightfully he had seen those dreams and how passionately he had chased them… until now. Choosing the path of comfort would clearly be the end of his dreams. And what is the meaning of life without having an opportunity to chase your dreams? Life is supposed to be a personification of freedom, isn’t it? Is it worth to sacrifice all of these for their happiness? Perhaps it was, and perhaps it wasn’t. But the choice was inevitable. It had to be made. And Roy was not that selfish person who would choose his self over the people he loved and cared about. He was not that selfish to lock their future in the darkness so that his dreams could shine and breathe the fresh air. The choice was simple and so would be his life. He made the choice. He chose the happiness of his family over his own. He chose what any man would choose any day. He chose to be just a man.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Emperor Bharata

“O monarch! Thy mighty son born of Shakuntala, shall grow to conquer the earth and his vigorous glory shall echo through the eternity of time. And because this child is to be cherished by thee, therefore shall this thy son be known by the name of Bharata (the cherished one).”

- The Mahabharata (Sambhav Parva)

Emperor Bharata, the mighty son of Dushyant (Dushmanta) and Shakuntala, was a prestigious monarch of Lunar Dynasty, whose legacy is the entire Indian Subcontinent. In his glory, this country is called Bharat (The land of Bharata) and the subcontinent is called Bharatvarsha.

The story of his birth is mentioned in the first Parva of the Mahabharata and in one of the greatest poems by Kalidas, Abhigyan Shankuntalam. The clan of Emperor Bharata inherited his name and became famous as Bharat Race. The Bharat Dynasty was dignified by many glorious monarchs such as Bhumanyu, Hastin, Shantanu, Yudhishthira, Parikshit, Janmenjaya and many more prestigious rulers. He was also a great ancestor to both Pandavas and Kauravas. All the great Kuru Warriors in epic Mahabharata were born in his dynasty. And thus the greatest poem of all time earns its name as the Mahabharata (The legend of Bharata Race).

Bharata was born to Shakuntala in the forest in the Ashram of Kanwa. He grew playing with lions, bears, tigers and other wild animals. Since he was finicky by nature, he was originally named as Sarvadaman (the one who subdues all). After the events of Hastinapur followed by the curse of Durvasa when Dushyant realizes about his son and his wife, he makes Shakuntala her queen and installs Bharata as his heir-apparent.

Emperor Bharata grew to be a Chakravartin Samrat who conquered the entire subcontinent and unified all the kingdoms into one invincible empire. He married to Princess Sunanda of Kashi and begot a son named Bhumanyu, who succeeded him on the throne after his demise.

For we have inherited the glorious name of Bharat, we all are his descendants. Till there remains the shape of Bharat (India) on the face of earth, his glory shall thrive in the heart of this nation.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


शिवाय विष्णु रूपाय शिव रूपाय विष्णवे |

शिवस्य हृदयं विष्णुं विष्णोश्च हृदयं शिवः ||

यथा शिवमयो विष्णुरेवं विष्णुमयः शिवः |
यथान्तरम न पश्यामि तथा में स्वस्तिरायुषि|
यथान्तरम न भेदा: स्यु: शिवराघवयोस्तथा||
Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is Vishnu. Vishnu resides in Shiva’s heart and Shiva resides in Vishnu’s. Hence, Vishnu can be found in the same place as Shiva and Shiva can be found in the same place as Vishnu. A person who sees them as one and inseparable, is the one to live a gracious life.

यथा शिवस्तथा विष्णुर्यथा विष्णुस्तथा शिव: ।
अन्तरं शिवविष्ण्वोश्र भनागपि न विद्यते ।।
(स्कन्द पुराण)
Where exists Shiva, Vishnu exists with him. And where exists Vishnu, Shiva exists with him. (They both exist in each other and everywhere.) Their eternal existence has no difference.

Harihara, is called the form of supreme god, in which both Adipurushas (birthless eternal beings) exists as one. ‘Hari’ stands for Vishnu and ‘Hara’ stands for Shiva. This particular form is worshipped by all the cults of Hinduism as the supreme form. However, it stands for a deeper meaning. Their eternal existence must be seen as one and infinite. Both Vishnu and Shiva are supreme gods (Swayam Bhagwan). They represent two sides of one coin. Vishnu, the preserver of universe, resides upon the ocean of milk (in which the entire universe cherishes), whereas Shiva, the destroyer of creation, resides on the summit of Divine Kailash (the cosmic mountain situated in the centre of the universe). Where Shiva, despite being an ascetic, has compassion for his family, Vishnu, despite being married, represents an ascetic mind. Shiva, who is married to Adishakti (the very energy of universe), represents how a man can still be egoless and powerful. Vishnu, who is married to Lakshmi (the prosperity of universe), represents how a man can still be generous and without greed in spite of having enormous wealth. Shiva, the destroyer, has a cherishing family. Whereas Vishnu, the preserver, has the universe as his family. Shiva, the founder of Yoga, meditates on Rama’s (Incarnation of Vishnu) blissful name. And Vishnu meditates on the calmness of Shiva. As the Yujarveda says, they both resides in each other’s heart. Vishnu is the only one to calm Shiva’s temper and endure his pain and Shiva is the one to know the endurance and purposes of Vishnu’s incarnations. They live human lives through each other’s heart, establishing the standards of an ideal life. They worship each other in their incarnations. E.g., Hanuman (Incarnation of Shiva) worships Rama (Incarnation of Vishnu) and Rama worships Shiva. They both are each other’s supreme gods and each other’s greatest devotees.
There cannot be any difference between them. The universe is a part of their eternal existence and they both together sustain balance of nature. Their singular existence results into manifestation, preservation and destruction.